The Best Benefits of Air Purification

In the modern world, airborne pollutants pose a continually growing threat to us all. Yet, so many of us live our lives oblivious to the negative impacts of breathing contaminated air.

Following the emergence and devastation caused by COVID-19, awareness of these impacts has improved. However, despite this, relatively few people have taken action to reduce the contamination in their air.

Additionally, the threats posed aren’t just viral or bacterial.

Even common allergens like pollen and dust can cause issues that often go unnoticed. These issues aren’t exclusive to sensitive individuals either, and they can affect us all to varying extents.

Therefore, it’s important to get protected, and the most convenient and effective solution is air purification.

What is air purification?

Air purification is the process of taking polluted air and cleaning it to reduce contaminant levels. It’s a simple process on paper, but the technology required to do it is far from simple.

As a result, a lot of innovative engineering is necessary to make air purification a reality.

Additionally, there are multiple forms of air purification. Some solutions use plasma, UV or heat to sterilise air, where others use micron level particle filtration.

Each different option has its own merits and flaws. However, in most cases, a combination of multiple purification methods yields the best results.

Why should this matter to you?

A lot of us pass over the need for air purification as unnecessary. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, the World Health Organisation now classes air pollutionas one of the leading causes of disease and premature death worldwide.

Admittedly, the associated issues are more prevalent in lower-income countries. Especially those reliant on inefficient fuel sources burned on open stoves and hearths.

However, even the wealthiest of countries face challenges. Therefore, even the UK is at risk, and a total of 44 British cities failed to meet UN pollution standards in a 2017 study.

The primary contributor to that failure was particulate matter, often known as PM.

Particulate matter is arguably the most dangerous of all airborne pollutants, and it was the cause of at least 37,500 premature deaths in 2017.

So, what are the benefits?

Of course, to see the value of air purification, it’s helpful to know what perks it offers. So, let’s cut to the chase and look at some benefits anyone can gain from air purification:

1. Improves Quality of Sleep

Over the course of a year, we rarely consider the factors that impede our sleep. Yet, often a poor night’s sleep is caused by irritation from allergens such as pollen, dust and mould.

These allergens can easily cause nasal congestion, coughing or a sore throat. All of which can be enough to disturb the mind during deep sleep.

So, by removing them through air purification, all associated symptoms can be eradicated, allowing for undisturbed sleep.

2. Reduces Levels of Particulate Matter

We already touched on particulate matter (PM), and there’s no doubt it’s a pollutant worth removing.

Inherently dangerous, it can cause a multitude of lung and heart conditions that pose serious health risks. Additionally, many UK cities have worryingly high levels of PM per cubic meter.

Therefore, it presents an issue that affects everyone, but especially those living in cities and large towns.

3. Relieves Stress Levels

A less obvious benefit, breathing clean air has been shown to reduce stress levels. Specifically, it causes a reduction in cortisol readings, which are typically higher in stressed individuals.

Additionally, if you’re aware of the threats posed by “dirty” air, purifying it gives some extra peace of mind.

4. Reduces Airborne Virus Threat

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, awareness of airborne viruses is at a high. However, while we now know how to reduce the risk out and about, very few people have protection at home.

Of course, the risk is lower there, but in cities especially, it isn’t nonexistent.

Therefore, an air purifier is the best foolproof solution to reduce the threats posed by airborne viruses such as COVID-19 and Influenza.

5. Alleviates Allergy Symptoms

Yes, air purification does indeed relieve the symptoms of allergies. That probably isn’t much of a surprise. However, amazingly, a massive amount of people who suffer from allergies don’t purify their air.

While thorough cleaning and lifestyle changes are effective means to combat allergies, they don’t eradicate all particles.

Therefore, for maximum protection, it’s a good idea to use such methods alongside air purification.

6. Removes Asbestos Particles

These days asbestos is becoming a less prevalent issue as it has fallen into disuse. However, it’s still easy to find in many buildings, and inhaling it still poses a health threat.

As a result, keeping it out of your lungs is advisable, and a majority of air purifiers can trap it.

7. Eliminates Unpleasant Odours

If you live in a clean house in the countryside, this benefit may not apply to you. However, for the rest of us, unwanted odours from external or internal sources are a part of life.

Yet, while we’ve grown used to them, there’s no doubt life would be best without them. So, once again, air purification can play an important role.

Although, it’s worth knowing that not all air purifiers on the market have an impact on odours. 

8. Reduces Levels of VOCs

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a common pollutant in our air, and research has shown they are carcinogenic. In particular, VOC’s often show up as a cause of leukaemia and lymphoma.

Both of these are undoubtedly conditions nobody wants to experience. Yet, VOC’s are worryingly common, and a wide array of household chemical products release them as fumes.

Obviously, avoiding all chemical products is one option. However, it’s rarely viable to avoid all VOC sources. So, air purification is a more convenient alternative.

9. Alleviates Asthma Symptoms

As with the relief of allergy symptoms, this benefit isn’t surprising. However, once again, it’s a solution used far too infrequently. Especially considering as many as 1/12 of people suffer from it.

Often asthma attacks are caused by slight irritation of the airways by pollutants such as pet dander, dust or pollen. So, a solution that reduces the levels of those pollutants is logical.

10. Eliminates Radon Gas

Like asbestos, Radon gas is an issue that is decreasing in relevancy. However, for many people living in older buildings, it is still a big concern.

Emissions of Radon typically come from naturally-occurring radioactive elements used in building materials. It can enter a home environment through cracks in walls or floors and is a well-known carcinogen.

Plus, it’s odourless, tasteless and colourless. So, it is difficult for most of us to know if it will affect us or not.

How can you purify the air in your home?

If you’re interested in purifying your air at home, you’ll want to invest in an air purifier.

As its name suggests, an air purifier removes airborne contaminants from its surrounding environment. It typically does this by sucking air in with a fan and then pushing the air through a fine particle filter.

Some air purifiers use alternative methods, such as heat sterilisation or carbon filtration. However, all of them have a primary goal of decreasing pollutant levels.

If you’re interested in getting started with air purification, we stock a massive range of air purifiers to meet your needs. Therefore, if you’ve found this post enlightening, we’d be delighted to help you continue your purification journey.

What’s holding you back?

By this point, you should have an acute understanding of the benefits of an air purifier. However, we know that isn’t the only important factor to consider.

Price, size, style, running costs and noise levels also carry significant weight in a decision.

Therefore, if you have reservations, it’s completely understandable. However, we’re passionate about helping people improve their health through air purification. So, let’s see if we can help by answering some common concerns we’ve heard over the years.

I can’t afford to buy a good air purifier.

When it comes to air purifiers, the price doesn’t always reflect quality. Many fantastic models are available for little more than £100.

Often, increased prices indicate that the model is suitable for larger spaces. Therefore, if you only want to purify small to medium rooms, plenty of cost-effective options are available.

Are air purifiers loud when active?

Despite using an internal fan, a majority of air purifiers are quiet when active. Even at their highest speed setting, most top out at around 60 dB. However, at lower speeds, they can get down to 20 - 30 dB.

As a result, they’re barely noticeable and typically blend in with standard background noise.

I don’t have room for an air purifier.

Many old fashioned air purifiers are clunky and heavy. However, modern design and technology advances allow new models to be streamlined and lightweight.

Therefore, it’s easy to fit them into wasted corner spaces. Plus their modern, yet minimalist designs stop them from being obtrusive.

Do air purifiers cost a lot to run?

Typically, air purifiers need to be active for long periods to perform well. Luckily, most models are very power efficient, and some cost less to run than an average lightbulb.

Do air purifiers produce waste chemicals?

One common criticism of air purifiers is that they produce ozone. However, this is not an accurate assumption for a majority of units.

These days, most air purifiers are “ozone free”. Although, it’s often worth double-checking before going through with a purchase.